Transition Information

Science day 1
Widcombe Infant School

Welcome to all parents and carers of those children who are starting school with us in September.

Transitions to our school for you and your child will be very different this year to how they would normally be.  We would usually invite you for a meeting to introduce you to staff, allow you to meet other parents from your child’s class and present information about our school to you.  This will not be possible this year but we hope that we can provide you with information that will support this transition.  Below you can view an informative video about our school and life in Reception, and a welcome message from Miss Alison Watts the Head Teacher.  There are also videos that you can show your child of their classroom and teacher reading a story.  We hope that this will enable them to become familiar with their new setting.

You may have questions about how you can support your child with this transition.  BBC Bitesize Starting Primary School has lots of videos and information to help support this.  The following selection are those which we feel would be of importance to you:

You may be wondering what we expect your child to be able to do before they start school with us.  In your welcome pack we have included a guide of all the self-help skills that we would like you to be developing with your child.  Your child can colour in each section when they have achieved it.  In regards to academics, it is very useful if your child can recognise their name in lower case letters.  Many children learn how to count to 10 through nursery rhymes.  BBC School Radio has many nursery rhymes and listening games for you to do with your child and Bud's Number Garden has games to help recognise and order numbers 1-10.









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